Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What's The Big Deal?

The big deal is that life and everything about it is being challenged. We as humans haven't collectivly realized taht there are seroius problems in the world. Dr. Martin luther king Jr. realized these problems and wanted to fix the problems. One of them were of course racism, but it was nothing compared to other problems in the world. Civil rights was a major problem but it was nothing compared to the issues that affected the world. The major power that Martin Luther King Jr. had was that he was a leader and he knew it. He could communicate with a wide range of people that could change the world.

Since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had this power that disturbed the people that like the word messed up. I think his destiny was to be a guide for all the world to see. I think he was suppose to reach everyone and touch them to do the right thing. If everyone was doing right then this world would be in a better position then it is now. Sure he wasn't perfect no one is, but he made such a impact on society this country had no choice but have his name in every state across this country, holidays, books, movies, museums everything he was just that important. Unfortunately he was ahead of his time I think all great people are so that's the big deal. Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. was a symbol that stood for peace.


Big Man On Campus said...

i would say I like your post but you dont have one posted yet so I can't lie to you can I.

Kelly said...

I don't agree with you that the big deal was that everything was being challenged. It was society that was being challenged and that is only one aspect of life. Also, MLK was not a symbol for peace, he is a symbol of peace still today. He did make an important impact on life and how we live today and I think you did a good good explaining how he did that.