Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Antigone (The first femanazi)

To be blunt there are no differences between men and women except the physical. Men think and feel almost the same things as women. Men and women can be raised differently ,but we are still the same. Somewhere down the road men somehow started to think that we were better than women and even women begin to think they are better then men or too good. There shouldn't be anything known as a femanazi or chauvinist. these labels are put here to make one sex feel superior to the other and vise versa. In the the story of Antigone back then women were given no respect and that's where some problems that we are having now occur ed. The problem was that they weren't fixed.

Men at a young age a taught to think a certain way about ourselves and the people around us while women are taught that too just in a conflicting and contradicting way. To me men are born with certain abilities that unfortunately are complimented in this world while women can do the exact same thing and it goes unrecognized. I don't always think that things women think about men are as cut and dry as they put it because most of them get one sided information probably from a women who has taken some kind of heat for being a women.

Women like to think that when a man calls them out their name that it is suppose to be degrading and it can be if it is used out of content. Their ain't no difference when a women does men and women just need to learn out to exercise better judgement.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My thoughts on fate...

To be honest no one knows how fate, destiny or free will work. It seems like for some people it has already been written in the stars and for some they just as confused and unsure like anyone else. I do believe that there is a plan for everyone and the plan is what you make of it. I hate thinking of the idea that I don't have control over my life and everything in it. What kind of life is that? How could you live? I mean if you knew your destiny and it said you were going to do great things that doesn't mean you are going to do them until you make upyou mind to do them and what makes you probably do them is the circumstances you are in and if you did you would probably spend so much time thinking about messing up that you miss the boat all together. The same goes for if you were told that your destiny was gonna be horrible then you would be scared to do anything.

Like I've said before life is really what you make it Oedipus knew his destiny and still did it whether he changed stuff or not, he chose what to do the whole time no one told him to kill someone in the first place and if he knew he was to marry his mother then why did he get married at all? his destiny was based of all the choices he made not anyone else. I think that was the point of the whole story to realize what and who you are and to maybe help you realize the path that you take or don't take.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What's The Big Deal?

The big deal is that life and everything about it is being challenged. We as humans haven't collectivly realized taht there are seroius problems in the world. Dr. Martin luther king Jr. realized these problems and wanted to fix the problems. One of them were of course racism, but it was nothing compared to other problems in the world. Civil rights was a major problem but it was nothing compared to the issues that affected the world. The major power that Martin Luther King Jr. had was that he was a leader and he knew it. He could communicate with a wide range of people that could change the world.

Since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had this power that disturbed the people that like the word messed up. I think his destiny was to be a guide for all the world to see. I think he was suppose to reach everyone and touch them to do the right thing. If everyone was doing right then this world would be in a better position then it is now. Sure he wasn't perfect no one is, but he made such a impact on society this country had no choice but have his name in every state across this country, holidays, books, movies, museums everything he was just that important. Unfortunately he was ahead of his time I think all great people are so that's the big deal. Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. was a symbol that stood for peace.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


1. These are the two passages in oedipus Rex that I thought best describe that best describes Oedipus?
pg. 961 Line 9 and Line 16

2. The external conflict that the audience is that we know as a the huge mistake that oedipus makes but he wants to know who killed the king.

3. I think the affects of imagery that are given to the audience are clear visual pictures of what's going on.

4. The talk of Gods, plague, Death, misery.

5. I think that the chorus is singing to Zeus that they don't want trouble to come towards them and that they will find whomever killed the previous king.


1. Pg.968 Line #83 and #84 pg. 969 Line#101 and
Line #105.

2. The enternal conflict that Teiresias has is that he know the destiny of Oedipus before Oedipus knows.

3. Line #163 and #164 on page 970.

4.The best example of dramatic irony is the fact that the audience knows the secret that oedipus spends the whle story finding out.

5.When Oedipus claims the fact that he is going to be "The kings son."
another paradox could have been that he was the one that killed the king.

6. The chorus is talking about the killer's time is near or the fact that oedipus is about to find out that he is the killer and Apollo and the furies will strike him down.